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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

dinner detour

So after our crazy 48-hour Oklahoma adventure, the hubs and I were pretty pooped and ready to just kick back and stare at the wall.  A bottle of wine, pj pants, and a movie were just the ticket.  One small hiccup in our relaxing-night-in plan - we had no food and no wine.  We decide to grab sandwiches and bring them home and run by Central Market for a bottle of wine on the way.  Well, I can't help myself in Central Market.  Next to Disney World, it may be the happiest place on earth.  The produce section alone makes me want to move in and start my own co-op.  Hey, a girl can dream.

Sean steers me away from the produce (I'll be back soon! I'll miss you!) and we head to the wine.  Y'all, Central Market has a South African section!  The only South African restaurant in Texas is located in Cypress, my old stomping grounds.  Sean and I went there for a special occasion and had the most amazing meal I have ever eaten.  Really.  You need to go.  We also had a wine that about changed my life it was so delicious.  Guess what we found at Central Market?  Score.

We've got the wine, so let's go get some sandwiches!  As I happy-dance my way to the registers, I go down the Italian aisle.  There before me is a lovely little pizza crust begging for toppings.  And a fascinating assortment of pestos and sauces that all sound delicious.  Sandwiches?  Let's be chefs instead.

We may have had to prepare dinner, but the meal was more delicious.
We may have stayed up later, but it was time we spent together.
We may have doubled the cost of dinner, but we made an event out of it.

The adventure is always worth it.

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